How to use Hello

Hello is a REST-service. It requires not authentication and no client registration, so to use it you can just go over to the api reference.


For major changes to the api, we will add a new version number to the url, e.g /api/v2/hello. For smaller changes to the api, we will provide a beta service which includes those changes, before merging the changes into the production version.

If we will support multiple content-types for the same entity, we will support that with adding the media-type as suffix to the url, e.g .html.

For all significant changes, we will send out a description of the change on the mailinglist. We will also update the changelog.

Error handling

We use regular 4xx and 5xx http status codes, as close as possible to the HTTP specification. Some errors will have a message of what went wrong in it. Some errors will respons with json. Do not encode those json error responses, as they might change without proper versioning as described above.

There might be cases where the service can give a successfull response, but the response object is missing some data. In that case, we will include one or more warning messages in the object.

